Friday, July 10, 2009

stupid drivers and a little experiment

Today I drove back to Kalamazoo for the second time this week. It's a 3+ hour trip one way and I will be making this trip 3 more times next week. Doesn't really matter why....I just gotta do it.

The traffic is killin me! Or should I say stupid drivers are killin me!!

Hubby said I would probably have to start taking Valium when we moved here to deal with Illinois drivers....they are a different to describe it???? It's so hard.

I did notice yesterday that while driving that 3+ hour drive, that my jaw was starting to hurt....I realized then that I was clenching my teeth....hmmmm.

So in honor of all my trips back and forth to Kalamazoo over a 10 day period, I'd like to do something different today....

I'm gonna tell you my biggest driving pet peeve and I'd like to hear see, I've been messing with my blog settings hoping to make it easier for you to comment on my posts--if you wish to do so....(I soooo love to hear your comments!!!!)--and not have to go through a bunch of rigamaroll...signing up for blogger...typing in silly fuzzy a urine sample....promising your first born child...

So here's mine...people who drive slow in the fast lane. It happens a lot here in Chicago. They seem to have no concern about anyone else on the road and just drive along.....lalalalla....ughhh!!
Your turn. Just click on comments.....hopefully.....and follow the steps
I'd love to hear from you.
Please...don't leave me hangin...


sherrie youdell said...

ok, I have one....
I "dislike it very much" when a driver pulls out in front of me, when there is absolutely no one behind me (couldn't they have waited one more second?) and then drives BELOW the speed limit. What was their hurry when they pull out in front of me and then drive slow? Grrrrr, that is irritating!

Anonymous said...

People who go in and out of traffic to try and get ahead.

Anonymous said...

I think God puts those people in the fast lane to test our patients. I thinks its best said in James 1:19-20 check it out and see how you are doing. You are going to get there a liitle later but try praying for enlihtenment for those drivers and don't pray with your jaw muscles strained. I love you! Dad

Michael Olsen said...

Tailgating is the worst. It is evil! I suggest not tailgating me as I often slam the brakes whenever someone tailgates me...drives me crazy!

Laura Reynhout said...

Mine is four way stops!!! What is so hard? The first one there is the first one to go. If two people arrive at the same time, the one on the right goes first. However, you enevitably get these people that arrive first and then wave you on. Do they think they are being nice? They are just being annoying. We have a four way stop a mile from our house and we have to go through it to get anywhere. I always hope no one is there when I get there.

Anonymous said...

....More or less, just like you...slow people in the fast lane. On a 2-lane road, I cannot stand it when people cannot drive the speed limit. I have a lead-foot, as well, but at least go the speed limit people. I was told once that its the "more educated people" who drive FAST! So I often wonder, as I am going 10 mph under the speed limit...Did you make it out of high school?!?!? Not that I graduated with a 4.0 or anything, but once someone puts something in my head, seems like I'm always wondering about it!

Brad M said...

I'm with you Tori...Slow people in the fast line. In my world if you get in the left line you have an obligation to pass that car or get back over!!! NOW! Although I have become more patient with them. I thought Michigan was bad so I'm actually surprised Il is worse.

mommyto3kiddos said...

Way too many to count, but the slow people in the fast lane really make me mad, so does the person who pulls out RIHGT in front of you so that you have to hit your brakes and then proceeds to drive REALLY SLOW! The idiots who turn left from a non-turning left lane. Yep, I could go on and on...not a very patient driver - I might need some meds too. :)

Beth Gifford said...

OK, here's mine. Sorry I'm late. I haven't had a chance lately to keep up with your blog. I agree with all of the above and will add one more. This one occurs to me every day since I live right off a highway and use it frequently. There are 2 right turn lanes from the off ramp onto the local street and it makes me crazy when people in the far right lane swing wide and go into the other lane during the turn (am I making sense?). The turning lines are clearly marked, yet we have been nearly side-swiped several times. OK, I'm done venting now!

Brad M said...

Ok 1 more. And I apologize that apparently my "a" key kept typing "i" in my previous post. I do refer to it as fast lane not fast line. (Weird)

Anyway all of the Michigan residents should be able to relate thanks to our "Michigan Turns" but when I'm heading down a 2 lane road/highway in the right lane and the person turning to head in my same direction darts across into the far right lane thus forcing me to change lanes. Look clearly you are going to be slower than me but wait until I pass you until you get in the right lane. Ugh!