Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I'm officially disowned

My kids told me if I dared blog about this they would disown me.

Do you realize how tempting that is?!

I was actually kidding when I said I was gonna write about this but now I HAVE to.

So remember that when you're judging me for writing this.....I HAD to do it.....

The other day our puppy, Ace, seemed to be turning the corner as far as house breaking goes.

He had gone all day with no "accidents" in the house and had even gone to the door and whined to go out multiple times.

So I got all smug and posted on my facebook that I had a brilliant puppy.

Then 2 seconds later he peed on the carpet as soon as we walked in the door from just finishing peeing outside.

I reposted on facebook that I take it all back and that I had a dumb dog.

And it was down hill from there after that.

Ace had about 10 more accidents in the house in the next 3 hours.

It was like he was getting revenge on me for dis'ing him on facebook.

The worst part was waking up at midnight to take him outside and being half asleep and sticking my foot into my shoe and finding that he poo'd in it.

That's the kinda thing I take personally.

I was not real happy.
And I let Ace know.

He seemed all sorry the whole next day. Giving me these sad little guilty faces, like this one.

Then late that same afternoon, he does this....

I was kidding with the kids.

I told them that it looked like he poo'd a heart.....just for me.

Like he was saying "I love you and I'm sorry for poo'ing in your shoe"

I was trying to make a joke out it for the kids.

They just thought I was being embarrassing.

They sooo underestimate my abilities to embarrass them....


Martinis or Diaper Genies? said...

Your dog is a genius. I wish I could poop hearts!

Cluttered Brain said...

OHHH.Your puppy is adorable. And strangely enough the poo does look like a heart. I hope you have no MORE accidents in the future!

Remember me? I am from SITS! :)
I'm a follower too!

Darla said...

Don't you love tormenting your children!! I mean, haven't we earned it?

Lee said...

my pup is almost 6 months old, I got the couch cleaned...her favorite spot to pee...bragged about how she wasn't doing that anymore...turned around and she peed on the couch!!

nope said...

I am SO glad you posted this because this is The Best Post Ever. I literally gasped when I read about the shoe poo, then screamed in laughter when I got to the poo heart.

If your kids disown you does that mean they leave you alone? Maybe I need to try embarrassment as a tactic.

Also, stupid or smart that is one damn cute puppy.

Beth K said...

Heart Poo....for that valentine you love to hate.

Deborah said...

That is so "wicked" funny! The heart poop!!He loves you! I'm leaving for work, but I wanted to read your post before I left and I'm glad I did, it is a riot!!! Tell your kids Your Brilliant, never mind the puppy!!


your kids clearly have no sense of humor - the poop heart is as plain as the nose on my face

Mrs Montoya said...

OK, the dog is precious. Just precious. And I feel like there are much bigger ways for you to embarrass your kids. Right? I can help you plan if you'd like. I'm feeling a little feisty this week and my kids are still too little. They woudn't know to be embarrassed!!

Ducky said...

What a total DOLL! Puppy love is the best, especially when its in the shape of a heart... LOL my dogs just leave mounds...they must not love me as much...

Kimi said...

I love my puppy but I'm seriously glad he came house-trained. Cause I'm all about heart shaped surprises but no so much in the form of poo.

Lucky Girl said...

Love comes in SO MANY forms...

rxBambi said...

I have to pick up my dogs poo every freakin day when we walk and I have NEVER EVER gotten a poo heart! I'm so jealous...
If you get disowned you can come live with me, but only if you bring your poo-heart puppy!

shortmama said...

I wonder if that would work the next time I snap at the hubs? Leave him a little heart in the toilet

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

That is one talented pooch!

Tamara Dawn said...

LMAO! He DID poo a heart for you! hahahaha

Those sad puppy faces used to work on me...about 128 accidents ago!

Mike said...

That is the shittiest heart that I have ever seen! LMAO!!!!

Tootsie said...

your puppy wuvs ya!
I can't even imagine being a teen in this day and must be hard

Travis said...

"That is the shittiest heart I have ever seen." -Otin

Why don't you just delete the rest of these comments and leave that one.

It blew my funny fuse.

Liz Mays said...

I was EATING! You didn't warn me! I spit my ice cream right out of my mouth!

But, omg, that's funny!

Barb said...

Oh, I love the poo heart! Snickers has been pooping stuff that looks like butterscotch pudding. But not in heart shapes. She hasn't pooped in any shoes either but I did get stabbed by a puppy tooth when I put my slipper on.
Just remember: Happiness is a warm puppy! (Bambi said so)

Harnett-Hargrove said...

They sooo underestimate my abilities to embarrass them...that is sooo true, they really do. -Jayne

Tea said...

Yuck, I can't believe I just saw a picture of poop.... ;)

I left a reply comment about the novel stuff for you on my blog. :)

Unknown said...

When I saw the heart, I screamed with laughter, and laughed just as hard when I showed Seth and when I showed Dan! (Dan wasn't so fun because he didn't even notice the heart shape.)

McGillicutty said...

Bravo darling have the lovingest doggy in the world and a poop to prove it. What's wrong with your kids... are they poo-shy? Mine would adore it... I may even let them see this one!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)

Anonymous said...

You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it