Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I just wanna blog!!!

Yep! it's that time....

I will not be doing much blogging for the month of November so that I can work on this crazy Novel in 30 days thingie.

It's hard not to procrastinate and blog instead of write for NaNoWriMo, but I'm trying!

I'm already behind, partly because I'm still playing catch up from my vacation last week (and trying to help Bud get caught up on a weeks worth of missed school due to the swine flu), and partly because I hated the first 1000 words I wrote so I threw it away.

No more throwing stuff I write away!!! I am making that vow right now because that is what I have done for years!

Today I started over and so far I'm liking this story line much better.

I'm still deathly insecure about everything that I write (and still am shocked that so many people check in on my blog everyday---I haven't said it lately, but I love you guys!!!!!!), so I'm not sure I will dare show you any of the NaNoWriMo stuff.

But I will listen to offers of bribery.

I miss all of you! Have a great day!


Lee said...

Good luck with the writing!! I'll give you a cookie if you show us.

mommyto3kiddos said...

Have fun with the writing! I'd join you if I had the time. :)

Cluttered Brain said...

2,000 words a day--That's what I do. And I have a great idea. The hubby even likes it!!!

shortmama said...

Good luck with the writing!

Sharon said...

I hear ya! I'm behind on mine too. But... it'll come, and when it does, even if what we write is pure bin filler... we'll have dones something that not many people can say they have.


Travis said...

I got sick yesterday and got behind on mine too. Lame.

I'm at 4000 words now though! Come on, you can do it!

Ducky said...

I am amazed at everyone that is doing this! And totally jealous. I think I'd probably sit and stare at a blank page for 30 days... I might get my name out....

We're rootin' for you! Best of luck!!!

Tea said...

I know what you mean... Today when I got some time to be on the computer all I wanted to do was blog, but I forced myself to work on my "novel." Now I have just a few minutes before my little guy wakes up, so I'm visiting.

Good luck! :)

nope said...

I think it's really awesome you're doing this. Just write - remember, there's no judgement here! We want to at least hear a plot outline! Share!

Deborah said...

You are way better than me! I could never-ever write a book, novel, or even instructions at that thought! Have a great time writing and try to keep us updated!! Have Lots of Fun!!!

Barb said...

Good luck and write, write, write!

Tracie Nall said...

Doughnuts? Pralines? Cookies? What is your price?

Good luck!!

Liz Mays said...

Good luck with all of the writing! I hope you do blog some though...a little bit...please.

Mrs. Sarcasm said...

As an avid stalker, I mean fan, I can honestly say that nothing you write should ever get tossed out! Have faith in yourself! I know a lot of strangers that believe in you!

McGillicutty said...

I think I missed something even tho I do try to keep up. So.. I'll encourage you even tho I don't know about the project... you really rock so I know it will be good!!! I will miss the blogging!!!

Beth Kramer said...

Do they do this every year? I want to do it next time (assuming I'm not still in the middle of opening a law practice). Btw, having read your blog, I can assure you that you have plenty of interesting things to say; I'm looking forward to buying your first book. :-)

Beth Dunn said...

You are a fab writer! Don't second guess yourself. You are amazing! xoxo