He escapes from me for one second....
but I always know where to look first...
Me: "Puppy.....!"
Ace: "What? I'm not doing anything!"
Me: "Puppy! Are you chewing on the lights again?!"
Ace: "Um...I have no idea what you're talking about."
Ace:"I didn't do it I swear! I don't know what you're talking about"
Me: "I'm gonna kill you if you break those again! Let go NOW!"
Ace: "Stop! don't take them away! I was just whitening my teeth! I swear!"
Ace: "This doesn't mean I'm not getting any Christmas presents does it?"
Why do I think I'm going to be posting something very similar in the coming weeks? We haven't put our tree up yet (time is slipping away from us....) but I have a feeling there is going to be a little person - not puppy - who is endlessly fascinated by it all when I do.
Ace is just too cute. I'm sure he keeps you on your toes.
Ace is very lucky that he has adorable on his side.
What a little stinker!!!!
chew too long and i imagine it will be a rather shocking experience...and not taste like chicken any more...lol.
So very funny! Lucky he didn't bite through and get the shock of his life and end up looking like a poodle!
As cute as your puppy is, this is why I don't have any! lol
ditto blue violet! too funny, stinkers. At least it's not the trash!
How can you argue with such a cute face?? I have similar problems with the parrot - although so far he's left the tree alone!
Ever think about one of those shock collars? Or makbe a spray bottle with water in it, set the sray to stream and give him a squirt. You could call Ceaser ( the dog whisperer) on the animal channel for advice maybe they would do a show on Ace. Maybe this is your chance to be famous???
What is it about puppies and electrical cords. When Zoe was a puppy she chewed up the cord on my Rainbow vacuum...I was ticked, too.
This is such a cute post, I love it...he looks so innocent!!!
You know where to send him when you've had enough. Lord that dog is adorable!
been there!!!lol...he's super cute! I think he's just flossing mom!!! lol
I am so glad my pooch is all grown up...those days were hard!
Oh gosh, having a dog around my christmas tree would drive me insane. Even one as cute as that! I'm surprized my toddler is as good as she is actually. I think I would put a baby gate around it or something lol
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